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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  April 19, 2013 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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because of the nature of this. the nature of explosives that were let out that were thrown out by the suspects. they have to be disposed of. all the other moving parts of solving this puzzle and making sure the threat itself is neutralized. it's going to be a long night, another long night here in watertown. >> lester holt in watertown, mississippi. before we go to pete williams, one question for richard engel. by the fact you have been around so many weapons and fire fights over the past ten years of your life. if you have been around any weapons, listening to the audio you can almost tell which ones are the .9mm reports and which one are the versions of the m-4 rifle. since the good guys had had, let's assume, laser sights, night vision, but also these good guys are not used to active connective fire fights.
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i'm surprised it didn't end with two dead suspects. >> i'm surprised it didn't end right there with that much gunfire. clearly there was a lot going down. you saw that one high velocity round that wednesday through the wall and soon in the reporter's calendar on the wall. how the other brother wasn't hit and wasn't killed in the scene is very remarkable. but if he was going fast and there was lots of cars in the way and it was nighttime, somebody missed him. >> nobody is finding fault. goodness knows it's the fog of war in an suburban environment. as promised to d.c. we go and pete williams who has not had a lick of rest since this next round started. again, pete, when you look at the calendar, 5:30 p.m. eastern we get the imagery. we both knew at the time the web
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has a funny way of taking off on its own. this was crowd sourcing and investigation by the fbi really first of its kind getting the imagery out, letting everybody look at it, sink in, and then we were off on these various and violent tangents that lacked a specific tie. i think it was close to 4:00 a.m. when you came on the air and said we now have kind of every reason. to believe these are tied together. >> yes, and let's go back to last night too. everything about this is extraordinary. the response by the public to the fbi's website was the largest single volume of visits to the fbi's website ever. it set a record. nearly crashed the system. a huge volume of tips came in. and they were names that frankly a lot of them were wrong, of course, but some were right. and the fbi, i'm told, had already been sort of looking a
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at these two based on some investigation they had done on their own since the marathon bombing. so that led them looking at them but what touched this whole thing off, the spark that ignited all this was not any police action. it was the decision on these men to grab some cash and try to make a run for it in someone else's car in case the authorities might be looking for their car can they thought they would steal one. that ended up with a shootout. you were just talking to richard about the hail of gunfire. it's possible that the surviving brother was hit. i've talked to a couple law enforcement officials who say they found some blood in the area after he abandoned the car, which indicates, and there may be some in the car too, which indicates he may have been hit. his other brother was shot outside the car.
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he remained inside the car. >> please continue. >> so as for what's going on in boston, all throughout the day since the early morning hours, the fbi, the boston police, the authorities in massachusetts, the state police have been pursuing reports that they didn't act on their own and had accomplic accomplices. they look at these things and think they can knock it down and another one comes up. the best information i have right now is they have not, in all of this checking, uncovered any indication that there were more than two people involved in the marathon bombing. they are still looking at possibility that they might have had accomplices. they can't rule it out. that's what they are looking into. that's why we call it an investigation. but nothing that can be confirmed. but it's because of the possibility that that's one factor why you see the lockdown in boston and the real fact that a bomb was found this morning and disabled. a bomb that i'm told was similar
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in design to some of the explosi explosives that these two had as they were being followed by the police into watertown. let me just say one other thing about the kind of person who set this bomb in the boston marathon. while we saw some videotape during the fbi's news conference, we didn't see all pictures the fbi has. and the reason i'm told that they got so excited about the man on the left, the man with white hat that they are still trying to find, is that they see video of him setting off the bomb. if you think about that picture that we have shown many times from our affiliate that shows what thought might have been the bomb placed in a trash bag next to a mailbox on the street as people are running by, think of that picture in your mind and realize that that is where they believe the bomb was set. not next to the mailbox and where the trash bag was, but
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just behind the barrier that is crowded with people. what i'm told you see on the video is that this it man here that you're looking at there, walking by, goes up near the front and in the midst of the crowd with all these people around him, he takes his backpack off, that's where it goes off. that picture there. that's the after picture. just before that, there were people all standing there, several people deep. there's the picture. so you see this black shadow picture of the bag that might be the bomb. it it turns not to have been. it was placed right behind that crowd barrier where all those people are standing. moments before he was standing among them shoulder to shoulder. he removes his backpack and then they see him walk away and they hear the first bomb go off. he looks down and then he moves away rapidly. 13 seconds later the bomb goes
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off in the very place he had been standing shoulder to shoulder with all those people. that's the kind. of person the fbi believes he was. >> and that's very motivating to all the people trying to find him. pete, i saw some imagery that i don't think i have seen on television. it was from social media last night. another civilian's photo showing him prior to release iing the backpack from his shoulder. you see martin richard at the barricade, his mother, his sister jayne, his dad. if you know what to look for, the gentleman we later saw who lost a leg, his life was being saved by the man in the cowboy hat. he was wearing a yellow hat crossing in front of suspect number two. you see life frozen in time while people are just having a good time and you see this guy
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who is about to do what we now know and believe he did. that's the incredible disconnect between. those of us who go on about our lives and follow the law and think normal thoughts and someone capable of carrying this out. >> exactly. and then of course, the remarkable events of last night where they in essence walk up to a campus police officer and shoot him dead and continue on their way. the brother has bombs strapped to his chest. it's astonishing. >> it really is. pete williams who has helped us piece our way through this investigation throughout. we have unfortunately we already know we have other chaps to come. let's go across town to kristen welker who covers the white house for us. kristen, i don't know how long a night it was for the president. it's usually a matter of personal privilege how often
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they want to be awakened by the situation room. their domestic staff, the security staff, and i don't know if we'll ever know how many consecutive hours the president was aware of the events of the night. >> reporter: we tried to get an exact count as to how many hours he slept last night and we haven't gotten that answer. but i can tell you he was briefed throughout the night by his homeland security adviser. then he convened a meeting of his entire national security team this morning. it lasted for about an hour. attorney general eric holder was there, the fbi director as well as secretary of state john kerry, cia director, they were all there sort of walking him through everything that they know about the astonishing events that pete just mapped out. that meeting lasted for about an hour. the president has been receiving
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updates every -- on monday we have heard from the president about three times. on tuesday when he referred to had this as a terrorist attack for the first time. and then yesterday when he spoke at the interface service in boston and he vowed to find those responsible for this heinous act. so we are, of course, wondering what we'll hear from the white house today. on that front i can tell you that the white house press secretary did have a briefing scheduled for noon today. that was pushed back, delayed indefinitely as they monitor and watch these events. the question is will we hear from carney and president obama. we don't have the answer to those questions at had point in time. and i can tell you that the white house is being very careful about responding to these developments because they are evolving and changing before our eyes. so before the president or anyone from his team comes out and makes any remarks about this, they want to be absolutely sure they understand the
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situation and what is happening. just a little thing, i can tell you that ever since monday pennsylvania avenue has been closed off to foot traffic. it's always closed off to vehicular traffic. that has been the case since september 11th. the secret service that is out of an abundance of caution, but the district of columbia on heightened alert. >> kristen welker on the north lawn of the white house. the vehicular traffic actually goes all the way back to the federal building bombing. it was under the clinton administration they decided to block off the road. before we go to a break, briefly don barelli is with me. let's talk about the notion of accomplices. what would. accomplices entail? people who helped them get material, helped lay out a plan, helped get them places? >> any of those things are possible certainly.
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help them get components to make the explosive devices. this would have been something that they would have tried to disassociate their identities from the bomb. so for example, their fingerprints might not have shown up. funding, safe houses, weapons, all of the above. it could be as simple as just getting them transportation from point a to point b. >> and speaking of transportation to folks joining us who may have had plans to get to boston via air, amtrak, logan airport has been spotty, spro raddic. people have been landing and when they do they see the military and police presence. everyone trying to leave boston at logan is undergoing an extra ring of security. that's understandable. amtrak service has been stopped, i believe, north of providence.
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just because this is the boston metro area and a house to house, building to building search is underway in watertown, massachusetts, to the west of cambridge. sleepy, quiet, safe, happy suburb on most days. we'll take a break and come right back. [ male announcer ] listen to this symphony of flavor: crrkkhshziiiizzlllee. beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can't get more italian.
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it's on. let's roll. we are back. to set the scene, we were promised another briefing by the head of the the commonwealth of massachusetts state police. and they are assembled there in the room and is ready. just no sign of that is imminent. the minute he starts talking,
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we'll go there. in the meantime, house to house, structure to structure, build ing to building search going on in watertown, massachusetts for the younger of these two suspects. we realize we are showing you the very same dogs, the very same armored vehicles, the same tape of the same searches. there's a reason for that. we're now -- we've been perimeter rised for good reason. that's part of what we were saying was the militarization of law enforcement. that kit looks like a member of infantry in iraq or afghanistan. this is what has happened since 9/11 as homeland security, lester holt was blunt about saying 9/11 funding. all these cities and towns now have these tricked out armored vehicles and the degree to which
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s.w.a.t. teams have changed and been upgraded has been dramatic and remarkable and we're seeing it in the streets. we're joined on the telephone by a doctor who has many, many fewer than six degrees of separation to this story. doctor, as i understand it, you live in watertown and the story starts when you heard gunfire last night. had you been aware of the situation at the m.i.t. campus prior to that? >> yeah, that's correct. i actually was watching the news while doing some work at home. saw a little later on saw police cars floodininto watertown along the charles river. and shortly after that, i heard gunfire and some explosions. when i heard the explosions, i knew that this was something very significant and called the emergency department to alert them to what was going on before
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i woke my wife up and told her i loved her and told her i had to go to work. >> so you live in a part of town where you were still able to get in the car and leave on streets that were still open. you go to work, and what do you encounter there? >> when i got to hospital because they had gotten that warning, they were able to mobilize the emergency department and the other resources throughout the hospital because we didn't know to what extent things were happening. because of all the gunfire and the explosions, i sort of talked to them about preparing for multiple incoming casualties. so we had a number of trauma teams set up ready and waiting not knowing who was coming r or how many. >> and what did you encounter? >> so shortly after i arrived, we had one patient arrive to the emergency department. on his arrival, the patient
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underwent a cardiac arrest. cpr was begun and resuscitative efforts with all the different techniques we employ. >> and when did you put two and two together and realize that the patient on the gurney was the man we're looking at on the right side of the screen? >> there was some talk about whether or not they were law enforcement or innocent bystander or one of the suspects. but ultimately, when the patient arrived that's not what was on our minds. our job is to take care of the patient. with the large police presence when the patient arrived, we knew that this was most likely one of the suspects. then a little while later on when the police confirmed it, we knew it was one of the suspects. >> i'm guessing you're not used to have fed's in body armor with automatic weapons drawn where you go to work every day.
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>> definitely not. we don't see the automatic weapons and weapons drawn every day. we do have a great working relationship with our local law enforcement and the state police and they come into our emergency department along with patients from time to time, but this degree of law enforcement presence is definitely not something that we're used to in our dp. >> describe watertown for our national viewing audience trying to figure out the geography and going off the videotape we have been showing folks of the town. >> watertown is a small town just west of cambridge, right along the charles river. it's a nice, little community. a lot of two-family homes, a lot of small businesses, small shops. it's a nice place that i enjoy living. >> so while the subway doesn't go all the way out there, it's
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still linked to boston, considered every bit of boston, a suburb of mass transit. >> we don't have the t trains coming through. we have the bus service that links us to the trains in harvard square. we're half a mile, a mile from harvard square and the red line. right across where a lot of the footage that you were seeing along arsenal street and where the arsenal mall is, you're a stone's throw if they turned the cameras around you'd see boston on the other side of the river. >> i imagine you're not a native. >> i grew up in central massachusetts. >> you don't have the -- as severe a boston accent as the die hards and true believers do. thank you, doctor. what an eventful night you had at work. what a key decision to bolt out the door and go to work.
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we have been listening to dr. david, who heard the shots and ended up reporting to work and seeing what we now know as suspect one. kerry sanders was among those on our team originally assigned to this story in boston. then came word of the cop shot in cambridge, not far from the harvard campus. then came word, shots fired, three explosions in watertown, mass. >> reporter: it's been chaotic since really. arriving in watertown in the aftermath of the explosions and the shootings, the officers were so concentrated on what they were dealing with and i'm talking about more than 100 officers that as a reporter, as bystanders, one guy rode his bike. up to what was going on. right up there just out of curiosity. wasn't really until the officers realized that things had moved
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into another section of watertown that they could turn around and start pushing people back because they were so concentrated on the suspects. then i went on foot with a camera crew and e we started walking in through some of the neighborhoods and stumbled upon one of areas where there had been an exchange of gunfire. and that is where one witness had been actually skyping and looking out his window and showing it. we were a quarter block away from where that was. that's where the officers said they found devices in the street. we moved our stuff back here and there's been incredible activity since sunrise, officers thought they knew where the suspect was. trying to move back into the neighborhood where we had been. a fair amount of disappointment. they really were hoping that there was, indeed, a suspect and that that suspect had been taken either into custody or
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otherwise. at one point when we were right here on the street on arsenal, we were just down the street there running with officers with their weapons out. and it it certainly appeared to me that on the sidewalk there as the officers were taking cover in defensive positions behind the vehicles with their weapons drawn that somebody was laying there in the sidewalk. i got a glimpse, but it certainly looked like a person. there was no movement. we're yet to hear from the authorities of what that was. they were treating it as if it was a threat. they then pushed us back. at one point we were hitting the ground here. there were snipers here telling us to get down. just very intense. now i can tell you that things are calm. the amount of police that are here have certainly dissipated.d and the residents are in their homes and trying to find out if the answer is going to be about what happens next. >> if nothing else, we learned
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that the release of these photos dependenttized all of us and certa certainly the social media community. eyes open after a long night if you still can, kerry sanders, thanks. another break is headed our way. our coverage continues of at the bottom of the hour. it is 11:27. good morning. i'm marla tellez. we'll get you back to the special report on the boston marathon bombings. investigators in hayward are looking into a deadly crash involving an alameda county control car. just before 5:00 this morning, the man was killed and the woman was taken to the hospital. her condition is not known. the deputy and nine-year veteran
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was not hurt in that crash. in san jose, a big rig carrying seafood crashed on the side of highway 101. this happened around 5:30 on the northbound side of bailey avenue. the driver was trapped in for a bit but he's okay. the crash tied up traffic as the tow truck removed the big rig from that scene. in the east bay a former livermore high school teacher is likely headed to prison for having a sexual relationship with a student. marie johnson pleaded no contest yesterday denying felony charges. sentencing is scheduled for next month and she faces up to nine years behind bars. prosecutors say johnson, who taught math at granada high had a six-month relationship with the student beginning in late 2010. a teenager boy accused of shooting and killing an off-duty san jose paramedic in the oakland hills will be formerly charged as an adult today. prosecutors say 16-year-old christian burton was the triggerman behind the killing of 34-year-old quinn boyer. five other teens were also
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arrested and have been charged in juvenile court in connection with that killing. temperatures are going to rise significantly. let's look at the forecast with christina loren. >> hey, martinez. a live look, we're in the 70s in livermore, san jose, 75 already in gilroy headed towards the 80s. we do have a comfortable day shaping up as high pressure builds in, drives winds offshore again. for us that brings about a significant warm-up. we'll be back in the 90s before you know it. in fact, before the weekend is over, we'll touch on the 80s and 90 degrees, the forecasted high. you want to hit the beach where it's the most comfortable, 62 in santa cruz, high 83 in firfield, concord and 82 in livermore. want to spend more time on the seven-day forecast. as you can see, we'll be in the 80s through sunday and 90s on monday. not cooling off all that much as we head through tuesday, staying warm at 89.
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wednesday and thursday we will start to drop o i can tell you, marla, we don't have any chances of rain anywhere in the near future. overall staying nice and hot as we head through the end of the weekend and next week. back to you. >> time to get that sunscreen out. okay, christina, thanks so much. more of the day's top stories coming up in 30 minutes. we'll see you again at 11:57. until then we'll go right back toot special report with brian williams. if you are watching television or listening to coverage on the radio within over an hour ago, you heard a startling press briefing, q&a with an uncle of these two young male suspects, one deceased, one we believe still alive, explaining their family story that they had fallen out of
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contact and he sent a message out to this still outstanding suspect on the left, suspect number two, believed to be still alive and on the run. >> i say dzhokhar if you're still alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness. >> that was the theme of his talk. he said he plans to kneel before the families of the victims in this and he himself plans to ask for their forgiveness on behalf of his good family name. a lot more is being learned about what happened last night. michael isikoff was moved into watertown and there is roger cressy.
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he's in washington. roger, let's widen this and talk about whatever you can add as to where these tentacles are going to take us before we're all done here. >> well, brian, up until 5:00 last night this really was a domestic phenomenon. i talked to some of my friends, and those with the international responsibility said we're just sitting and watching right now because this looks very localized. and now, of course, since these individuals have been identified, there's been rapid movement as we're reaching out to liaison services throughout the world. we're going to be spinning up counterterrorism talks with russians, with their fbi equivalent to try to determine if they have any information here. but it's still very early on. what we do know is that this was part local domestic and part international now. they have been in the united


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